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Category «Clinical Trials»

ACEMID was awarded the Eureka Prize for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Research

The Eureka Prizes are the “Oscars” of Science in Australia. ACEMID (ACRF Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging and Diagnosis) was one of the three finalists for the Aspire Scholarship Eureka Prize for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Scientific Research. The Extinction vs Adaption Team and the Octopus and Ice Sheet Team were the other two …

Do you call it eczema or dermatitis? We do research (and diagnose and treat patients)

There are lots of discussions of how we should name this group of skin conditions, with different countries and clinicians supporting one name or another. Naming things is very important. It help us to frame the problem, to recognise what is in it and what is not, and to perform better research. But the tools …

Clinical Trials recruiting at Westmead Hospital and The Skin Hospital

We have recently open our clinical trials for recruitment. We had to close recruitment again during the peak of the COVID pandemic and we modified our protocols to safely continue with all patients on trials. But skin conditions do not disappear, and patients continue suffering from their skin diseases. The teams at Westmead Dermatology (Westmead …

ACRF Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging and Diagnosis

Westmead Hospital is one of sites for this amazing project and Prof Pablo Fernandez-Peñas is the NSW Lead for the ACRF ACEMID. The project will install a Vectra WB360 whole body 3D imaging system in the Department of Dermatology (Westmead Hospital). The system will be used for a number of research projects in subjects with …

Phase-IV Clinical Trial Studying the Effect of PDE4 Inhibitor on Atopic Dermatitis

Recently, an open competitive grant application by members of the CTSR (Prof Pablo Fernandez-Penas as PI and Dr Ali Azimi as Sub-PI) was approved for funding by Pfizer through its Global Medical Grants Programme. The study is a 1.5 years long Phase IV clinical trial involving the investigation of the effect of nonsteroidal phosphodiesterase 4 …

Hidradentitis supprativa (HS) trial

Hidradenitis suppurativa is an inflammatory skin disease affecting apocrine bearing areas such as the axillae and groin, characterised by recurrent discharging abscesses and sinuses, inflammatory nodules and scarring. The Westmead Dermatology Department is currently recruiting patients with HS for a phase 2 study evaluating the efficacy of bimekizumab in patients with moderate to severe hidradenitis …

How to deliver phototherapy education to patients

The report on our study looking at the optimal delivery of phototherapy education to patients was published this week in the British Journal of Dermatology. Summary: This study aimed to improve the phototherapy safety knowledge of patients starting treatment. We designed a self-directed tablet-based education session, which covered the key phototherapy safety and responsibility messages …