The Westmead Association hosted a Westmead Hospital Staff Wellbeing Day on the 13th of October 2021 to thank all staff for their hard work during the COVID-19 pandemic and to shift the focus to prioritising self-care. The day was enjoyed by many – there were gift bags, food and fun activities including Zumba on the lawn.

Westmead Hospital’s Dermatology team was invited alongside the Cardiology team, Breast screening team, and Staff health team.
We chose to highlight the importance of regular skin checks (especially in the Australian climate) – which seemed to resonate a lot with staff members.
Skin health checks was overwhelmingly popular, with over 80 staff members seen and the majority receiving skin examinations.
We look forward in continuing to play an integral part of Westmead Hospital’s campaign to look after your own health.
Kelvin Truong BPharm MD MMed, Senior Resident Medical Officer, Department of Dermatology, Westmead Hospital.