Our Department is excited to have Noor Ibrahim with us this semester as part of her Dalyell Research Project at the University of Sydney. Wellcome Noor!
To know Noor better, here is what she has to say about herself and her research interests:
By Noor Ibrahim:
Hello! My name is Noor Ibrahim, and I am currently in my third year of a combined Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Medicine degree. In my final year of my Bachelors, I am interested in venturing beyond my majors in Anatomy and Physiology to undertake independent research as a prelude to my medical studies. In my spare time, I work in a public legal service for refugees, teach high school students in after-school homework centres and enjoy hiking in the great outdoors.
This semester I am undertaking a literature review under the supervision of Dr Ali Azimi, where I will be looking at alternative ways of diagnosing inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. Presently, these lesions are diagnosed through imaging technologies and physical examinations, which are often limiting or misleading. Thus, the identification of lesion-specific molecular signatures through proteomic techniques should complement conventional diagnoses, to accurately diagnose inflammatory skin diseases. My project will review existing literature, identifying strengths and weaknesses and potential gaps in existing research, and identify the need for additional research.
In the future, I hope to combine research with more clinical experience in dermatology, to gain a deeper understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment of skin disease.