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Dermatology Hospitalists

In the 50th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) of the Australasian College of Dermatologist (ACD), Pablo Fernandez-Peñas chaired a session about Dermatology Hospitalists. The aim was to gather together dermatologists interested in inpatient care. Hospital dermatology has different challenges than office-based dermatology, with more acute, urgent and complex presentations, multiple comorbidities and poli-medication, and the need for multidisciplinary care. We heard a review about Severe Skin Drug Reactions, and Cutaneous T-cell Lymphomas, and two presentations about Multidisciplinary Teams to manage Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Complex Medical patients with cutaneous manifestations.
Pablo brought the idea from the US. The Society of Dermatology Hospitalists has a specific meeting during the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. Their objective, published in J Am Acad Dermatol 61:153;2009, is “To strive to develop the highest standards of clinical care of hospitalized patients with skin disease by promoting clinical expertise, fostering research, and furthering education in the management of hospitalized patients with cutaneous disease”. Pablo suggested the development of a network of interested dermatologists to provide support and generate collaborative projects.
The session was a great success. More than 30 dermatologists provided their contact details to be informed about the group and its activities, with the aim of getting together in next year ASM.

Last Updated on 10 May 2017 by Prof Fernandez-Peñas