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Quantum Computing and Dermatology

Our team has joined quantum physicist Dr Tingrei Tan and theoretical chemist Associate Professor Ivan Kassal in the very competitive grant program Q4Bio from Wellcome Leap. This is a multimillion-dollar program focused on identifying, developing and demonstrating applications of quantum computers in human health.

Our proposal was focused on the development of quantum simulations that will improve our understanding of the mechanisms behind photo-active molecules.

In the skin, we have multiple applications for photoactive molecules: to protect the skin from the carcinogenic effects of UV light (sunscreens), to treat skin cancer (photodynamic therapy) or to treat inflammatory skin conditions (psoralens and ultraviolet light). Dermatologists are well-versed in the effects of light on the skin (photodermatosis) and the use of light for treatments (laser therapy).

We are very excited to be part of this amazing team.

You can read more on the University of Sydney website.

Last Updated on 28 November 2023 by Prof Fernandez-Peñas