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Essential Dermatology (Unit of Study, The University of Sydney)

In 2019, we run for the first time the Unit of Study DERM5001 “Essential Dermatology” that was available for a number of Graduate Diplomas, Graduate Certificates and Masters at The University of Sydney. It was a 6 credit points unit, with online modules (Canvas) and one interactive face-to-face day. It was a great success and we received excellent feedback.

In 2020, we are running this Unit again. If you are interested, enrol at The University of Sydney website.

Is it possible to do it as a single unit or from other University?

  • DERM5001 is available as a single unit of study. The information is on this page under “non-degree units of study > Available units > Medicine”.
  • Cross-institutional study (from another Australian tertiary institution) may be permitted but this would be a question for admissions.

Essential Dermatology will cover most of the common skin diseases, providing a comprehensive review of: clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, impact on quality of life, and management. The unit will also cover the clinicopathological correlation and aetiopathogenesis of skin disease and will equip students to interpret histology reports. Diseases are organised by body region and clinical characteristics and include: inflammatory diseases (acne, psoriasis, eczema), autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases (lupus, morphea, pustulosis), cutaneous drug reactions, infections; and cancer. The use of new technologies in diagnosis and treatment is also discussed. On completion of the unit, students should be able to diagnose the most common cutaneous presentations, recognise possible alternative diagnoses, and complete an appropriate management plan.

Compulsory 1 day face to face workshop; online lectures and webinar tutorials and discussion forums

Online exam (40%), workshop participation and skills assessment (20%), case based discussion boards (20%), participation in the generation and peer review of assessment items (10%), online quizzes (10%)

Last Updated on 4 December 2019 by Prof Fernandez-Peñas